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Stupid mistakes you’ve made in games that cost you big?

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So, in Mass Effect 2, during an argument between Jack and Miranda, I sided with Jack, and now Miranda isn’t loyal. I just read anyone disloyal in ME2 is as good as dead, so that’s … bad. What are some similar small mistakes you have made in games that cost you big?

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Forgetting to save regularly. I’ve lost massive progress in RDR2 due to playing several hours, forgetting to save, and getting killed by a lucky shot from an ambush. I’ve been ambushed countless times, and can count on one hand the number of times I got killed. The main thing that costs me the time and progress is if my horse is killed and I have to reload to get her back. Yeah, I carry horse revivers, but at times she either took a bullet at a spot that was an instant kill, or I couldn’t get to her in time to save her. She’s irreplaceable as she’s a unique horse. She’s a wild horse that can’t be bought at a stable. She’s the only white Arabian in the game, and has abilities that stable bought Arabians don’t have. As I’ve said before, she’s incredibly stupid, but aside from that, no horse can rival her in any way.

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There are a thousand and one ways you can make mistakes that will cost you big in Quantic Dream games, too many to even list. You can get characters killed maimed, scarred both emiotinally or physicially in a thousand different ways.  You can even turn them into immoral killers.

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I was playing Dead of Winter and had successfully shepherded the colony through the apocalypse, and we were about to finally make it out of the dark. The traitor was neutered, morale was high, all is well. I give myself an extra survivor just to make my party feel that much more complete. Comes around to the end of the game, I flip my objective card and realise I totally forgot that my secret objective required me to attach a weapon to each of my survivors. I was the only loyal player that lost, and boy did that one sting.

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I was doing a Crash Bandicoot Let's Play some years ago and I'd saved up about ~40 lives, which is almost enough to do Slippery Climb. I saved and quit, letting that video render and be uploaded to YouTube. I return and find the lives have gone. The game doesn't save lives beyond the default number, which is 4. So I then had to do Slippery Climb, which I succeeded in doing after a few game overs, and quit after that part was uploaded. I'm not sure how many games of the Playstation One/Nintendo 64 generation did this, but they're that amount too many.

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During a mission in Cyberpunk 2077, near the beginning. There's a mission to meet with a woman in her room. This was early on, and I was going to do another mission instead. But, I didn't think, as I went to the woman as intended and changed my mind as I went in. This ended up causing the mission to fail and I couldn't do it again lol. So ever since I make sure not to go to any missions until I know it's one I want to do. 

I've done this sort of thing in other games, where I decide to do a mission later, but I'm already put in said mission, and leaving fails it. There was another game I did something similar in, but I forgot the title. It was a space game, like Fallout. I feel stupid that I can't remember it, because I played it like a few months ago. 


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35 minutes ago, Shole said:

Not saving constantly on games that were in pre-alpha or alpha, crashing games and losing 3+ hours of gaming/building/resource gathering...

Seriously, when these crashes are constantly happening, I don't really know if it's a good idea to keep on playing such games. 

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7 minutes ago, Heatman said:

Seriously, when these crashes are constantly happening, I don't really know if it's a good idea to keep on playing such games. 

Well it tends to happen also when you pirate games like me XD so save save save, to save yourself from mental break down.

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21 minutes ago, Shole said:

Well it tends to happen also when you pirate games like me XD so save save save, to save yourself from mental break down.

It's definitely going to be very important to keep saving and save yourself from mental breakdown with not allowing the game to crash and make you lose your gaming progress. 

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1 hour ago, Demon_skeith said:

Whenever I rush in RPG games, I get so deep that grinding to gain proper levels is near impossble. 

In most cases when I play RPG games, I never play in a rush because it ends up costing me hard. 

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