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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. That’s a good one. It would have to be a tie between two, both if them accidental. One I was trying to rope someone to catch him, but got him around the neck and didn’t realize it until I yanked him off his horse. The other was me riding head first into someone else and him getting trampled as my horse tried to get back up. That one wasn’t entirely my fault though. I was coming around a corner, and he popped up out of nowhere. I think it surprised me IRL as much as it did the Arthur. For those who haven’t played it, Arthur is the name of the character you play as.
  2. Hatred is one of the best games ever made. Would it be appropriate for a 12 year old to play? Depends on the kid. Would it be appropriate for a 17 year old to play? Who knows since 17 isn't in your scope. I guess we're supposed to skip certain ages. It can be either 16 or 18, but definitely not 17.
  3. Different Zelda games mainly. FF8 a couple times as well.
  4. I only dream once per year, and it’s always the same dream. June 20th. Every year since I was 14. That’s when I stopped dreaming the rest of the year, and began only dreaming that one night.
  5. Let me offer you this. have you ever played Dantes Inferno? it was only on the PS3 and Xbox 360. It was a monumental game. As of yet there is no sequel, and to my knowledge no plans for one. But it wasn't ported to the PS4 or Xbox One. If you loved that game, would you give it up just because the PS4 and Xbox One came out? Or insert any game title there.
  6. I have the first one around here somewhere, I've just never played it. I've been told many times that it's one of the best games ever written, but people said that about DKC and Tetris too. I'll check it out at some point, I just don't know when.
  7. I guess they didn't take the advice.
  8. Thank you for the nomination @ARx182. No one has ever called me intellectual before. Thank you for the compliment as well!
  9. Casey's pizza is amazing. It's my absolute favorite place to get pizza from. Sausage and double pepperoni. The only requirement to go with it is an ice cold Diet Pepsi. Damnit, now I'm hungry and craving pizza.
  10. The US is one of only 3 countries in the world that still uses the imperial system. The other two being Myanmar and Liberia. In 1975 President Ford tried to switch the US to using the metric system, but it didn't take. I personally can't follow metric very well, but like many of you it's simply because I grew up under the imperial system. But my reason for this post, is I want to know what people think on whether or not the US should again try to switch to metric? I feel like it's time to join the rest of the world. 3 countries out of how many hundreds of countries? I think it would make international trade much simpler, and could help American economies in a substantial way. Sure it would be difficult at first to figure out how tall I am. I don't have a clue what 6'4" is in centimeters. And don't even get me started on that whole stones thing when talking about weight. But I truly think it's time to move on, and join the rest of the world. Thoughts?
  11. I could be wrong, but it sounds like an incompatibility issue. With Quake the product key is obviously the issue. Did you buy the key secondhand? If so, then you're not going to be able to use it. If not, are you sure you put it in correctly? Some of those product keys are case sensitive, so you may want to try again. With Doom, it sounds like there's a lock on it, or it's just flat out corrupt. My thoughts are that you're just going to have to rebuy both of them. Someone else here may have another solution, as there are people that know more about the technical side than I do.
  12. If I lived in or near Detroit, I would have season tickets every year to the Red Wings games. Unfortunately, I'm 2 states away. So the only time I get to see them play is when they come to St. Louis. The only problem is that I have to go to Enterprise Center, as I absolutely HATE the Blues. But every time I have gone, we have kicked the Blues ass. One interesting thing to note, is that with hockey, fights don't only happen on the ice. Fans beat the shit out of each other too. It's almost a tradition, especially if the two teams have a long standing rivalry. We're a violent fanbase. I've been in a few fights myself. Black eyes, and bloody noses are very common.
  13. So It's still the same console, but just minus the disc drive? FUCK THAT
  14. I'm still in the frozen desert. I'm trying to beat that bitch on top of the inverted pyramid. Some games I'm just not all that good at. I'm enjoying the hell out of it, but the game is just one of those that sits outside my skill levels. Oh well. I'm not quitting.
  15. All I can say is what I saw. That's why I'm confused about it.
  16. One issue that bothers me about reviews is the money involved. Game companies have money. They can buy positive reviews from well known reviewers to get more sales for their games. We all know it has happened before. And it will continue to happen. We may never know who specifically is doing it, but there's no denying that it happens. So there's no way of knowing if those reviews are honest or scripted for the money.
  17. I still don't get how those digital versions would work. Would you have to pick up an external hard drive somewhere, and take that in to have the system capabilities installed onto it or something? Is there some way it would be installed onto a PS4? There is obviously something that I'm missing here.
  18. Are you writing a fucking book? Every time someone replies to a topic you ask them 30 more questions about their response. Damn.
  19. I won’t go in detail, as I don’t like spoilers anymore that anyone else here. But there’s something that happens in RDR2 that made me almost want to quit playing right then and there. Just think about it turns my stomach.
  20. At this point anything about another GTA game is just a conspiracy theory. Rockstar is busy with so many other projects, that anyone who says that they have information about GTA6 but didn’t get it from Rockstar, is a flat out liar. Little green men from Mars bringing us an early edition of the PS25 is more believable, than any bullshit about the possibility of the game before the publisher says so. But then there’s one thing that hasn’t been considered. They may be done with the GTA franchise. Quit while you’re ahead. It’s happened before, it will happen again. So there’s a very real possibility that there will NEVER be another GTA game at all.
  21. Good point about YouTube being the sellouts. I hadn’t thought about the platform being the asshole, instead of the one on the platform.
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