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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2021 in all areas

  1. The first thing, this topic doesn't really belong in "General Gaming" as it has nothing to do with gaming, so moving to "General Chat". Second, I'll reiterate that as long as it's within the rules, people are free to what they want and as often as they want. I'm more in favour of the "quality over quantity" approach when it comes to posting on forums myself, but that doesn't mean that people have to limit themselves. I'd advise, and even have advised, others to not post spuriously and give thier posts some thought, but that in no way limits anyone on how often the make new topics and reply to current ones. The only things I'll ask of people outside of posting within the Forum Rules and Guidelines are; Make sure a topic doesn't already exist before posting it again. There is a search function on the forum to help with that. Post a topic in the appropriate sub-forum. Read a thread before posting a response to better gauge where the conversation is at. As aforementioned, put a little thought into the post, give it relevancy and purpose. Don't post just for the sake of posting and/or to get a number on the tally. If you really want to up you post your post count quickly (a fair goal, especially for new members), the Forum games and Fun-posting can be an easy way to do so without "drowning" other area's of the forum, even though I personally don't see it as "drowning" if the post is relevant, but I digress. And to anyone else concerned about topics getting bumped down, remember there's always the option to follow topics.
    2 points
  2. Hey, you like what you like so don't mind the naysayers.
    2 points
  3. I'd love to see some kind of war sim where guerilla warfare is highly encouraged and you're not the hero nor will the npc automatically co-operate with you just because you came to save them.
    2 points
  4. The release date for Horizon Forbidden West has just been revealed at Gamescom: The game was originally advertised to come out this year but it has been delayed to February 18 2022. I've suspected that this would be delayed to Q1 2022 for quite a while but I didn't say anything because until now it was just speculation. I'm actually kinda glad this was delayed, I wouldn't even mind if it was delayed a little longer. Considering that the first game was in development for 6 or 7 years, then after that they spent most of the rest of 2017 working on the DLC. Then the less than 3 years since 2018 didn't seem like enough to me, especially with the pandemic. I know that the sequel doesn't need as much time since the development tools and some of the assets are already made but still. In addition to this they also revealed a performance patch for the PS5 version of Horizon Zero Dawn that unlocks 60FPS. https://www.gamesradar.com/uk/amp/horizon-forbidden-west-release-date-delayed-to-february-2022/
    1 point
  5. I think the issue was that the phrases/words they used to describe the mode were extremely similar to what Among Us have used. It's not great but I don't see how anyone can try to copyright a game mode. These things have always happened and will continue to happen. I mean, if Call of Duty, has a similar imposter mode.
    1 point
  6. I did not forget it, it's too cartoony to be considered violent for me.
    1 point
  7. Sorry, but I'm more on Epic's side here. This is exactly the same thing with Battle Royal, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag gameplay concepts, you can't really own the concept. This "imposters" style gameplay concept is also nothing more than that, a concept. Among Us may have made it popular like how PUBG made battle royal popular, but they can't claim to own a concept that has been in in existence, in one form or another, far longer than Among Us has. For example, people have been putting on "Who Done it?" roleplay parities for centuries. So I'm sorry, but I just don't think Innersloth really have a defence here. I'm quite ready to believe the Epic would never have created this new game mode without being inspired by the success of Among Us, just like how Fortnight likely wouldn't have excised without PUGB, but in the end I don't there is anything Innersloth can do about this.
    1 point
  8. Burn after reading if you want. Please answer you question first when you post one. That shows you aren't afraid of your opinion, and it helps for others to post too. For example...What is your favorite game? Mine is so and so. At least try to if not such a controversial subject. Should we start trolling people and say-you first at every topic?
    1 point
  9. Everyone is talking about delaying a game so thats its not broken, but Im happy that this studio cares about its employees that they are in the best of health. Thats equally important, especially when theres high crunch and toxic work environments in the gaming industry.
    1 point
  10. The problem with your 'solution' is that there is nothing stopping a scummy developer from abusing that 'lower playtime' claim to drop a turd in paying customer's laps and then laugh their way to the bank. Realistically, I don't think your solution is ANY less abusable, it just swaps which side of the transaction the potential abuser is on. I think a better solution, would be, in cases where there is mass-refunding going on, to assign manual reviewers to the refund process and add a line about valve reserving the right to 'suspend or reverse the 2-hour refund period if there is suspicion of ill-intentioned abuse'. Then do a quick forum, reviews, and social media check to see if there is credible evidence of an actual issue that would trigger that mass refunding. They could even do something so simple as have developers making these short-form games stick in a 'game completion' achievement of some sort, and have Valve weigh it's status in the decision. Or simply bake a flag into the save file or an .ini about game completion status and have valve cross-check that. Of course, Steam Achievement Manager could be an issue there, but it would cut down on the refunds that aren't actively malicious but are just flippant people being ignorantly malicious.
    1 point
  11. I added the most popular characters and everybody knows Sephiroth gets my vote (he's going to be added in late December). Who's your pick and why?
    1 point
  12. I don't think we can help it. I think a lot of times it feels like digital games should be non refundable but we can see the other side of this issue too.
    1 point
  13. I have many such songs which I found after playing the game. The recently was from PUBG, it was their official song. Black pink - Fire
    1 point
  14. Oh. You reminded me my school days. I used to draw many characters of the games that I played. Like super Mario and Nina turtles. But, after my college days, I never picked up drawing again. 😄
    1 point
  15. That's cool and all but I think we're going off-topic so let's get back to the main argument about the Nintendo Switch...
    1 point
  16. It's definitely going to be Weevil, GTA's Beetle Doppleganger for me. Yeah, I know some might say it's way too old but for me, it's a classic.
    1 point
  17. What I have seen of Bioware (Mass Effect, Dragonage), they seem to handle this idea pretty well. It's never a clear definitive of good and bad or right and wrong, it's always a more complex moral controversy. It's up to the player to weigh everything up and make a decision or compromise based upon what all parties have said there's not really a perfect answer or outcome to please everyone, much like in real life.
    1 point
  18. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
    1 point
  19. Same here and it also impacts your behavior negatively where you're being rude to other people for no reason at all.
    1 point
  20. Seriously, I can only pick out negativity from video games when you start getting too addicted to it in such a way it affects your normal life.
    1 point
  21. Personally, I think that all games come with a storyline but what makes one distinct is how its own storyline is structured with the narrative.
    1 point
  22. True enough. But I can tell you from experience, that when you've got nothing, you take what you can get.
    1 point
  23. Probably yeah, not all of them can be categorically labeled evil but most of their acts isn't honorable.
    1 point
  24. I wouldn't go so far as to call any of them evil. That's a bit too far. I would call them wicked. Those that are evil have no moral system. Micah is evil. Arthur is wicked. Most of the gang are wicked as opposed to evil. They do what they have to in order to survive. Dutch is the only other one that I would call evil. I think he's using the gang in order to make himself rich. They're doing his dirty work, and as soon as he feels comfortable with the amount of money that's saved up he plans to abandon the gang and take all the money with him. To me he just has that aura.
    1 point
  25. Definitely - Powerslave comes out on top for. The band and bits are certainly entertaining to listen to.
    1 point
  26. All joking aside, I am actually disappointed that there were no truffles and no pigs. I was hoping a game literally about pigs sniffing out truffles. But not my go to game for this
    1 point
  27. There is no point. Why did the dinosaurs live? For that matter why are they extinct? Life has no valid point. It's merely evolution in it's simplest form. Maybe we're an experiment by a higher intelligence from another planet. Maybe we're a quarantined civilization because we're not a civilized creature. Man lives. Man dies. All creatures have the same fate. Live, breed, die. Some choose not to breed. So it's just live and die. The moment you're born you start to die. That's simply a cold hard fact of "life". The only thing we're guaranteed in life is death. With the exception of a suicide, the when and how of death is the only thing about it that's unknown.
    1 point
  28. I have ridden a donkey, and they don't ride smooth. Even at a slow walk they don't go smooth. So I would go for a buffalo. That would be very interesting and I would be able to experience one more beautiful creature on this earth firsthand.
    1 point
  29. Good to know the release date. I'm not surprised nor particularly bothered by the coming out later than expected. I've spoken before about how it's a serious and mostly unspoken problem for game companies to announce release dates too early to greedily cash in on pre-orders before they know the game will be ready on time. With pre-orders for this starting in the beginning of September, around 5-6 months before the planned release date, Id say that's a fair balance. That's obviously not a guarantee that the game will come out polished and not be delayed again, but you can say Guerrilla are opening up pre-orders with enough certainty 5 months before launch.
    1 point
  30. I think the most complicated morality system is the one that isn't expressly intended to be about morality. Take a city management game like Tropico 4 - you've no moral obligation or mechanical reason beyond your citizens' joy to provide each of your people with mansions, which is possible but incredibly energy consuming and requires a lot of money. It's far cheaper to provide them with lower quality tenements, charge little rent and transfer the costs to funding your more expensive greener energy. I realised by the 7th mission I could better spend the money on pollution reducing techniques on industry, make more money and ultimately beat the game faster rather than try to build paradise on Earth each mission. While Dragon Age: Origins has very basic moral choices, they're still not labelled as good and bad ones all the same. Even intimidation, often seen as the "bad" option is something that can spare a life that would be unfair to take. So when a game hides the morality, I'm fine with it as long as the consequences are clear (full sentences, not dialogue wheels; voice acting and text are not mutually exclusive). If it has to be a system rather than a feeling the game gives me, then I like Fallout: New Vegas' system of reputation. Where karma still exists from Fallout 3, it has nowhere near the prominence it did before and instead your reputation with each faction lies on a broad spectrum of good and bad. It's one of the few games that is forgiving of you doing both good and bad things to the same people. Each faction has the ability to do good but is brought down by a single flaw: the NCR's inherent problem is corruption and ineptitude; Caesar's Legion (the least "grey" of all the players)'s inherent problem is the cult of personality; the Brotherhood of Steel's inherent problem is rigidity and internal strife; House's inherent problem is the inability to live beyond his fraction of the Mojave. You will do saintly and obscene things for each of these factions, and they will do saintly and obscene things in return. Even the Legion allows certain peoples a sporting chance to flee its havoc.
    1 point
  31. Morality is a very interesting subject when it comes to deities and things we can't possibly understand. But there is a universal rule. That is when pitched against unfathomable decisions, do what causes the least amount of suffering. But maybe that doesn't hold true at all. Mortals that can't see the future will do what they think is right at the time, but a deity will have a different standard if they can see the future, or even if they have a better understanding of humans over a span of thousands of years since a deity probably has witnessed man's existence from the beginning. All humans know is a short written history manipulated by man and time. I can't think of a game where morality is held to a different system. But definitely gonna think on it.
    1 point
  32. In addition to what others have said, it's not just about mental health but physical health. However sweaty your session of DOTA 2 gets it's not enough to burn off the amount of sugar contained in a 'gaming' energy drink. Even sugar-free ones like my go-to Sneak contain about 1/3rd of my daily recommended allowance of caffeine, which will improve my reaction times but not my aim. Also 'gaming' chairs aren't that good for you either. For starters their purpose was inspired by Formula One cars which move at high speeds and have to be secured properly. F1 seats are also moulded to the shape of the individual driver via expanding foam, whereas the bucket seats used for gaming chairs use a generic design. Driving a racing car is also different to sitting at a desk, as I'm sure the sensible among us can imagine. Their lumbar 'support' is a joke, typically a pillow that you may have to pay extra for or an internal mechanism that could give up the ghost with the knob getting stuck or the mechanism falling down the back of the leather with no way to fix it yourself. Even though mine has the built-in support, my head doesn't reach the back of the seat so I need to pay for an extra cushion. Thanks, noblechairs. The above is just complaints about chairs with the 'gaming tax' attached, I should explain why they're bad. Mostly it's due to the poor posture they encourage, as well as circulatory issues that will come from longer periods of sitting. They're also germ magnets compared to a mesh office chair which will allow your sweaty carcass to to breathe more easily, rather than trapping farts in the foam past the faux leather cushion, or an excess amount of skin flakes in the arm rests. Of course this applies to any hobby that encourages being seated for long periods of time, be it binging TV shows, reading books or painting still life.
    1 point
  33. It's very rough since the model was created through 3D reconstruction aka. photogrammetry using screenshots from the model viewer. If I could get my hands on the actual models from the game it would be much better.
    1 point
  34. Lately on twitter there is "fact check" games going on. where the people who fact check are hired by these people. so it's like they are misleading us by hiring the misleading fact checkers lol.
    1 point
  35. My sentiments exactly. Animal Crossing inciting rage is like saying watching Blues Clues incites rage ( actually that grown ass man acting like a complete retard does get the blood boiling...). Okay, you might have a point there 😹
    1 point
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