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  1. Hey all, I am new to the site and just wanted to say hello. This looks like a really fun community. Hope to see ya around the boards!
    2 points
  2. Yeah well nintendo can afford to keep their exclusives to their own platforms, not only that but let's face it Nintendo is 10 years behind in terms of technology so it's doubtfull most of their games even need to have the budget of any current gen "triple a" game and i'm sure with any nintendo published game even the more unknown titles are good to turn a decent profit. I'll admit i was kinda skeptical when i got a swicht at launch but now i'm more on board with nintendo then ever, imo the switch is the last traditional console as we once one knew consoles like no long installation time, you pop in a cart and you are good to go, offcourse i meanly use the switch for exclusives and indie games, eventough the switch is starting to show it's age by now it's still a damn fine machine with a huge amount of games you can't play anywhere else. My only wish would be that nintendo would just make a consolised version of the switch something. Always liked spencer, he is the face of xbox now and does it pretty well. While i don't read everithing he says, any human being is bound to say something stupid at some point, only if you and me do it, nobody is really going to care, well atleast i hope so. Also Let's not go into microsoft and them activision/blizzard because it's getting old and stale by now. I can't see it happening them making all these ip's exclusive to their own platform, just like i can see starfield coming to a playstation platform maybe a few years after it launched on microsoft platforms because you know where are they going to recoup the overall costs that it toke to make starfield because apperently starfield is already one of the most expensive games ever are gamepass and probably physical/digital sales going to be enough to recoup som of the costs, let alone the 7,5 billion dollars they paid to aquire zenimax. It's almost crazy to say but combine the aquisition of activision/blizzard and Zenimax together with that kind of money you could quite frankly solve a lot of problems in the world.
    2 points
  3. Stray dropped the other day and it's been making the rounds all over the web as of late. It seems people really are into it and it's getting decent reviews. With that being said, I kinda hope this brings a new trend where we see more games where we can control an animal. Yeah we have a decent amount of games with animal leads, but I feel like it's less and less these days. I'd love to see more games where you're a dog, a cat, a mouse even. I'll take just about anything where you're a small animal running around in a big world. Would you like to see more games like Stray come out?
    2 points
  4. Welcome to VGR. Looking forward to seeing you around the community!
    2 points
  5. If the “metaverse” becomes this massive thing everyone is talking about, do you think some people will be left behind by the technology? For example, I am thinking about people who simply never overcome motion sickness.
    1 point
  6. It seems to me that everyone these days is using gmail. I personally still use hotmail for almost all my email needs. Sure our gaming channel had to have a gmail address with it, so we signed up for one. But I find gmail confusing as hell, and hotmail is a lot simpler to me. Also, I have used hotmail ever since it was first implemented by Microsoft back in the 90's. But I'm curious what people think on these two email servers.
    1 point
  7. So I was typing up a story earlier this year, and after a revise of it I managed to get to two chapters. I'm thinking of going back to it but wanted to hear some advice before I start again. So does anyone have wisdom on this or should I go somewhere else?
    1 point
  8. This means DRM style safeguards for your games. Honestly I don't see an issue with this when it comes to digital games. I also have no issue with it if it's to stop people from using fake game carts or stolen ones. I just hope this doesn't result in games becoming one time use. I don't think that would be the case. I think with this it makes sense for the Switch, because it's not like they are looking for people who sell their games. I think they genuinely want to stop people from illegally duplicating the game or finding ways of sharing it. You can read more on this news here: https://www.ign.com/articles/anti-piracy-software-denuvo-announced-for-switch
    1 point
  9. StormyFire

    Standing desk

    Have you tried gaming with a standing desk? Did you find that it was harder than sitting down?
    1 point
  10. Nebulous

    Car Accidents

    Have you ever been in an accident? Was it your ever your fault? Describe to us what happened.
    1 point
  11. Do you go to High School or College reunions? Tell us how they were like if you've been to any..
    1 point
  12. Please cast your vote in the poll above for this month's Member of the Month. The winner will receive 500 VGR Forum Points. Member of the Month is generally awarded to the individual who had the biggest impact on the VGR Forum. This is generally in the form of contributing the most amount of posts in terms of quantity and/or quality, but can extend to referrals/promotion and other efforts to benefit the community. Voting closes August 2 at 10pm EST. You may vote for yourself and you are encouraged to ask your friends to sign-up to VGR and vote for you!
    1 point
  13. I've written 2 full length novels, several short stories, and a hell of a lot of unconventional poetry. That said, I can offer some advice. I assume you're writing fiction? The first sentence of every story is always the hardest. After that let the story write itself. Never force it. You have to have that itch to get back to writing it. But before you get too far you need to think about a few things. 1) Is it a narrative? 2) Are the characters relatable? 3) What kind of conflict will they be dealing with? 4) Is it told through eyes of a certain character? 5) Have you written a description of all the characters yet? 6) Do you know where you want to go with the story? Have you thought about the beginning, middle, and end separately so you know what you want to tell the reader? 7) Is it engaging enough to keep a person reading? 8.) Can you describe what your story is about to someone who asks? 9) Are you writing just as a hobby, or are you thinking about publishing? 10) Can YOU relate to your characters? For example in my first book, the main character was based off of me. We share a lot of the same attitude and view of the world. The only difference is that my character in that story is male, and I'm female. If you need more just ask and I'll help as much as I can. As a note to what @Withywarlock said, one of my books is currently on its 8th draft ans the other is on its 7th. More drafts will follow. Until it's perfect in my eyes, it will keep getting edits and rewrites. So don't get discouraged if you go to 7, 8, or 100 drafts. If you don't like it where it is, no one else will either.
    1 point
  14. Howdy, folks! Hello, my name is Robert, and I couldn't be happier to be joining the VGR team. The NBA 2K and NHL series are two of my favorite types of games.
    1 point
  15. I agree with the soundtrack, at least I hope that music's going to be in the game, even if I will turn it down so I can listen to a podcast in the background. Maybe have just enough on whilst listening to my podcast. I like it. Can't say much more than that until I see some more cohesive gameplay footage, but otherwise all the chunks cobbled together to make the trailer seemed fine.
    1 point
  16. This has gone off-topic for too long. Please use the general purpose Stray thread or private messages if you wish to further this conversation. Consider this thread locked. Thank you for your contributions.
    1 point
  17. and today's kids are only getting this now. they don't know what it was like to just be a part of life. most of them only know what's in their phones.
    1 point
  18. i'd be ok if it respawned and wasn't gory in any way.
    1 point
  19. That's something I could see happening honestly. People being stuck in that VR world and needing it to feel good. But I think most people will go the VR route. It's just too expensive for most people. So I can see it being a small group of people. I prefer when people make conversation short when I'm out and about. I'm just not a people person, don't like conversing with most people lol. I also blame it on the pandemic and social distancing.
    1 point
  20. I'm with you on Goodfellas. Outstanding film. I would say: Independence Day, Twister, Mean Girls, Casino, Titanic, Unlawful Entry, Great Expectations, The Twilight Saga (gasp) but oh come on, everyone should experience it haha Urban Cowboy, The Day After, Unfaithful, Blair Witch, and Halloween 1, 2, 4, and 5. 🎃 :))
    1 point
  21. As a current sufferer of motion sickness (one elevator ride keeps me swaying for the rest of the day) 😣 I'm thinking I probably wouldn't do too well with it. But I do wonder if VR could become so popular in the future that people will become less and less in touch with reality, almost as a constant escape. The more and more that happens, the less people will feel like interacting with real people in the real world. In a way, becoming more socially withdrawn, unknowingly. In general, I've noticed people's interactions in stores, restaurants, gas stations, etc. seem a little short and distracted. People don't really "talk" all that much anymore, well, not as much as they used to. Just a slight observation..
    1 point
  22. Thanks so much. Great to be here.
    1 point
  23. Welcome! Plenty of great content and people to go along with it ^.^
    1 point
  24. I can tell you Pet Buddies (formerly Petville) is all about a stray animal, give or take.. only you are in charge of taking care of it, all while earning points which = gold coins. With these coins, you get to decorate a home for the animal by purchasing items in the stores, furniture, clothing, etc. I've always had one main room, looking exactly like my bedroom, and then the rest: ALL outdoor scenes. It's a great game, highly addictive. One of my outdoor winter scenes. (This is actually supposed to be a room.) haha
    1 point
  25. I agree with you on that I grew up without internet for a portion of my life and only had a land line at MOST , generally we spent time together outside as a family or you just learned to spend time alone being creative to entertain yourself. Now adays if you don't instantly agree with someone its almost 100% going to be an argument and that person would rather just find a group of people that agree with them instead of pushing their mental limits of what they "know". Can say dating these days is actually a really tricky thing since no one wants to admit their wrong anymore or be open to change. Its either they believe 100% what they think they know or they dont trust anyone because they know nothing xD and generally its the ones thinking they know everything that know nothing at all REEEE Still technology has helped alot and made life much more convenient but it took away all the substance from life at the same time. Most people don't even know the smell of a camp fire, the taste of a real home cooked meal or the sounds of nature. Not on a true deep level that happens on a regular basis ofc. I think a shift will come in the future where more people want to experience natural real life experiences orrrr if that doesnt happen we just fall deeper into the rabbit hole of technology and dont return on humanity is forced to XDDD
    1 point
  26. true but bear in mind i come from a different generation. even if we'd had cell phones when i was a kid there's no way we would've ever been allowed to have any. all this technology is changing people and their perceptions of real life events like simple conversation. they can't have a conversation without either getting offended because they no longer understand the concept of voice inflection or they're too busy on their phones to have a conversation. but there's no balance really to fix it. it is what it is.
    1 point
  27. That's absolutely epic as well xDD ahhh I cant wait to be an old man gaming and just going "noobs I've been playing games for 65 yearsss back in my dayyy we had joysticks and cheetosssss" True and not counting they can borrow friends systems and phones with much easeeeee
    1 point
  28. you're talking about game reviewers. i'm talking about streamers who play these games every day in the hope of getting pd. to sit there and play video games all day so they don't have to work outside the home. they're well past the review stage. some can chill and play and have a good time and a great stream. others are big babies when the struggle gets to be too much. every time they chant i hate this game they are bringing down any reviews or possible sales with all that grumping if you wanna get technical about it. many times they start losing supporters/followers because of it.
    1 point
  29. It was just a little sarcastic jibe, don't breathe breathe to much into it. 😉 EDIT: Also fuck R. Kelly
    1 point
  30. Any specifics or am I missing a joke referencing this thread? 😛
    1 point
  31. China 🇨🇳 is the king of game banning. I don't think that there's any country out there that bans games the way China does. If every country out there bans games the way China does, we wouldn't have any games left to play.
    1 point
  32. Three new members against two old members... The battle line have been drawn. Who's going to come out on top? Congratulations to the winner in advance. Voted ✅!!
    1 point
  33. One of biggest challenge in monitoring them is that those shooter games are also available on mobile phones. You might be able to stop them from playing it home and once they have access to a smartphone, they can download and play those games at your back. Technically, technology is ruining what it shouldn't.
    1 point
  34. Exactly!! It's where I keep asking wherever happened to their loyalty? Without their early followers when they are still starting up, they wouldn't get to the supposed levels they are now. In the end, it's all about how selfish they all become for their gains only.
    1 point
  35. LOL! i'm usually shouting you just got killed by an old lady!
    1 point
  36. The soundtracks is what I love most about the animé-like game. But only the songs can't entice me enough going for the game, since I'm not all that moved with games replicating that anime' genre or style.
    1 point
  37. I am also nominating @Empire Of Sight and proceeding to create the voting thread. Good luck to all.
    1 point
  38. Nintendo may be the only one keeping exclusively on their table. Sony and Xbox may be into sharing games, but I don't think Nintendo would ever do it. If anything I think we could see Nintendo allowing some games from Xbox and PlayStation. Kinda like how Nintendo tested up with Xbox. But I forget the reason.
    1 point
  39. It's pretty clear we are going to get less and less exclusives with the way gaming has been going the past few years and the state it is in now. You also should consider in the fact that costs of videogames keep going up and up and most games take years to develop, riddle in the fact that a lot of games struggle to even turn a profit you can already guess developers are going to choose either go for an exclusivity deal wheter or not timed let's leave that in between or just try and put their games on as many platforms as possible. Speaking about time it takes to develop a game as you can already start to see that yearly franchises are struggling big time these days, either to innovate something new or in some cases devs even fail to develop a working product at launch (wwe 2k on switch for example) just because of a way too tight schedule. Also i don't really mind sony going to pc with their exclusives, sony fanboys aren't really happy with it i get that. But sony is a company and money has to be made above all and if it helps them to make a profit on their games, why not. Maybe we will get a second days gone that way because that is imo the best new ip sony brought to the table on the ps4.
    1 point
  40. it's still hard to watch stuff like that. i don't like having to kill the animals in video games. too soft hearted i guess. lol
    1 point
  41. Haha, that's the reason why some people don't like playing their pet animals in video games because whatever hurt the pet animal experience in the game affects them psychologically and emotionally. But I'm very sure that the Cat didn't die in that act.
    1 point
  42. I just hope this doesn’t have a negative impact on creativity of games. Most of my favourite games of all times are platform exclusives as they often aren’t beholden to mass appeal restrictions and vicious monetization.
    1 point
  43. i work in healthcare and i'm here to tell you covid is still very much alive and well. i have some friends that do 24 hr gaming streams. one is coming up on his 12 month sober anniversary and wants to do a 24 hr stream next month. if i'm off i'm gonna try to hang out. i told him if he needed an extra mod for the day i'd be down for it. i mod for another guy on twitch. he hardly gets any viewers bless his heart. he's a pretty cool guy. i've been with him from the beginning on twitch. i met him on facebook. he made me a mod even though i had no clue what to do. i ended up googling the info so i could at least do the basics for now. i just don't see how these people can do this full time and make enough to live on. i would feel weird streaming and expecting people to pay to watch me play video games all day.
    1 point
  44. Kane99

    High on Life

    I just realized too, this is coming out on Gamepass as well, so this is going to be a day one download if I still have gamepass when it drops. Looks like the release is December 13th, so not too long to go I suppose. I hope Justin Roiland keeps making wacky and weird games like this. The other game I forgot was called Trover SAVES the UNiVERSE, you can see the trailer for that one below.
    1 point
  45. Didn't PlayStation say they weren't interested in doing a sequel? I think if Sony wants a sequel, they'll commission one. It hasn't gone up by much since. It seems either not many people are interested in it or the petition isn't getting out there enough.
    1 point
  46. I think COVID-19 decrease made it that way. Lots of people who stayed indoors have gone back to their respective working place, and wouldn't have that chance again to steam all the time. You can imagine when you're totally exhausted, what you'll imagine that time is sleeping in order to rest your body.
    1 point
  47. The Godfather Pulp Fiction Saving Private Ryan Life is Beautiful The Gladiator No Country for Old Men Goodfellas I can go on and on but yeah thats a few
    1 point
  48. It's a good chair. We have the same one, just in blue instead of red. You're going to enjoy it a lot. Ours has a retractable foot rest though, and if I'm seeing the pictures right, yours doesn't seem to have one.
    1 point
  49. 1 point
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