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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. I do know now that Xbox now has Discord fully built in, as long as your Discord account is linked you should see all the servers you are part of and be able to jump into chat lobbies that way or even just jump into chat with people through that. I really feel that with Discord now being built in, that may get used a lot more now over the party chat feature on Xbox. I wouldn't like to say that they will completely phase out Xbox Live Party Chat as I know many still do rely on it, especially if they do not use Discord but I feel that Discord will be a big hit now.
  2. It seems like so long ago when I played Saints Row 2 but I remember it very well. This was another game I spent so much time on, and I have to agree with you, it does not get the recognition it deserves, and it really should have got more. I just last year I think it was bought Saints Row and Saints Row 2 on offer on Xbox and I now have them to go back to at any time. I am always tempted to go back to Saints Row 2 because it was such a great game. If there is anyone who has never played it, I highly recommend you do.
  3. I absolutely loved Simpsons Hit and Run and Simpsons Road Rage but my favorite and the one I spent most time on was definitely Hit and Run. I remember spending hours on that game and completing everything and I never got bored of it. We keep hearing rumors that Hit and Run may come to newer generation consoles and I myself would love to see either Hit and Run or Road Rage or even just both of them on new generation. These are games I would love to go back to and play through again. We can only hope that one day they may go backwards compatible, I would love for my kids to experience these games.
  4. I was always a little skeptical about Apex Legends if I am honest, I didn't start playing it fully until 2020 during the lockdowns and it was then that I started to enjoy it more. Once they released arena, I was pretty much hooked and now still find myself going back and playing it for hours on end. My favorite legend would have to be Loba. I unlocked her and used her almost all the time, before that it was Bangalore and Lifeline. I still use these two from time to time, but I prefer to use Loba now when I can.
  5. You know, I have Mario Kart on the Nintendo Switch and as much as I loved the previous games I have not played this one as much as I should have. So many people say it's an amazing game and they love it. I need to just one day sit down and play it when I have the time, feels like a waste to have the game and not play it to be honest. I know I'll end up hooked on it when I play it but that's all part of the fun!
  6. At the moment the only game me and my kids are hyped for is Just Dance 2023, we always get it around Christmas as it's the perfect time to jump in and play and have fun but this year, we have a huge overhaul of the game, and I am super excited to see the changes to the game. I know there are some songs on there that my daughter is super excited for with her being a BTS fan and a KPOP fan so she will be very happy when I finally get it. Not too long to go now 😀
  7. Shortie


    It really is a fun game and if you liked Smash Bros in the past this is a great game. I remember when I played some characters were locked and I can't remember why, may have been due to the battle pass or due to needing to play through the game and they would open up the more I played. I really do need to jump back on Multiverses but there are so many games and just not enough time. I will get back on it at some point. Will be interesting to see how it is now after a few months of release.
  8. They are two amazing skins! I love the fact that you have a built in emote with Vix where you can change the colour of your skin within the game as well as in the lobby, I really feel that is a nice touch to the skin and it's a really cool looking skin as well and if you are fond of anything to do with cats, it's a perfect skin! I personally like the purple style myself of that skin. Does your niece have a favorite color on the Vix skin?
  9. It similar to Halo 3 in terms of game play and style, when I first played Splitgate I was amazed at how it felt so much like the play style of Halo 3. They have changed Halo so much over the years with the different games that they have released that it was nice to go back to a game that brought that feel of gameplay back. Add the portals into it and it really is an interesting game. I actually thought working the portals would have been a pain but it's not as difficult as it seemed, and I soon got the hang of it.
  10. I can't say I have played it Mortuary Assistant myself, but I do know about it due to a YouTuber that I watch quite frequently who plays a lot of horror games, Daz Games (Daz Black) and he not only really does get into the game, but he makes it entertaining to watch as well. I will admit that I have been quite interested in trying this game but at the moment I have not got around to trying it. The game sure does look scary though and I'd probably really have to push myself to play it as I am not overly keen on horror games, but I do like to try them.
  11. Yes I have, the amount of times in Call of Duty I had people trash talk and say they were better than me and when we got into a game they soon quietened down after I pretty much wiped the floor with them. Safe to say they never went on again about being the better player after that. Another game is Fortnite mainly with the ones who want to 1v1 to prove they are better or the best of the best. I have on odd occasion agreed to a 1v1 and have on a few occasions beat them and they've been a bit shocked. I often wonder why people brag about being great and then go into a game only to get beaten and end up looking silly.
  12. For me I would have to say that most I have ever been competitive in a video game was with Call Of Duty Black Ops 3. I played that game so much and me and my other half even had a clan on it back at the time of the game being in its prime. I would play constantly and got really good at the game but then soon stopped playing it and got burned out on Call of Duty. I would say the only other game I have ever attempted to be competitive on is Fortnite. I often go and play the arena mode they have and will sometimes join the competitive events they have going that are open for me.
  13. I find that nighttime in video games for me seems dark enough but then again, I have never used a mod to make it darker so I wouldn't have anything to compare the games I have played with. I know the one game that I wish was a little darker than it is in game and that is Fortnite. You often don't even realize that it's nighttime in the match you are in unless you look up and see that it is. It would be nice to see it looking darker on a nighttime and have the daytime brightness a little less.
  14. Shortie

    Xbox in 2023

    I love that Xbox and Microsoft always try to have a range of different genres for people to choose from when it comes to bringing games to their platform. This is a really nice list and as much as every game doesn't interest me, some of them do and I will definitely be playing them when they drop. Minecraft Legends is definitely one I have my eye on and Forza Motorsport as well. The others I may take a look at as you never know but the two, I mentioned are a definitely getting played. I am definitely looking forward to them announcing what else will be coming in 2023, they never seem to fail to surprise us with games they choose to add.
  15. As someone who got pretty burned out on Call of Duty over the years, I was a little skeptical about this year's game and didn't think I would even bother to try it after being disappointed by games in the past. I will admit that I have now tried it and as much as they do still need to work on some things, it's the first Call of Duty since about 2015 that I have really enjoyed and haven't got fed up on. I can see why it's sold so many but even though they have had some bad years and some bad games people do still seem to be enjoy the franchise so it's no surprise that they have done as well as the have in the first 10 days.
  16. I don't think it's Epic themselves that are giving the games away for free but more so the developers of the games who are allowing Epic to use their service to give the games away for free and they are giving them incentives for it. I don't think Epic would be struggling at all when it comes to things like giving away free games, they make so much already even just off Fortnite alone so I feel a few games say once a year wouldn't hurt them if it was them giving them away. If anything, I feel it benefits the developers of the games that they are giving away for free as it allows people to grab these games and play them and also learn about other developers as well and look into other games they have developed. I noticed that Epic have done this every year since 2020 at Christmas and I am expecting them to do it again this year, it's going to be interesting to see what they end up giving away this year as sometimes they have some really awesome games.
  17. I have played Rocket League on my Xbox, but I can't say that I have tried it on PC. I knew you could get it on PC, but it wasn't something I found I needed with me having it on Xbox. It took me a while on Xbox to get used to the hang of things and the controls and finding out that you could change the ball cam was a life saver for me. I personally would be worried about playing Rocket League on the PC if I could only use keyboard and mouse but I know that I can use Xbox Controller on the PC so that would help greatly if I ever was to jump over to solely playing on the PC. I don't think I could ever play a game like Rocket League with a keyboard and mouse.
  18. I am currently using the HD60S myself which I have had since around 2018 and it's still going strong, and I haven't had any issues with it at all which has been amazing. I know there are quite a few capture cards out there that you can purchase that are more affordable than the Elgato products but the one I know of that seems to be quite well known and I know someone who does use it is, AVerMedia. From what I understand they are great and quite reliable, and I haven't heard any complaints from those who are using it. If my Elgato was to die on me, AVerMedia would be one I would consider for sure.
  19. I honestly did not think getting anything magnetic close to a PC screen would cause so much damage! It's good to know though as I have kids and sometimes, they do mess about with magnets around things like TV screens, so I know for future to tell them and keep they from doing it. I do know that my daughter for whatever reason decided to stick a suction cup to her phone screen, she was lucky to get it off without affecting the screen, but it did worry her. Safe to say she won't do that again!
  20. Over the years, Fortnite has come out with some absolutely amazing skins. With skins such as LazarBeam, LoserFruit, Lachlan, SypherPK, Ninja, GrefG, Chica, Ali-A and so many more, I honestly never thought we would see content creators and streamers in a game such as Fortnite, but they made that possible. Out of all the skins I must say I am quite fond of anything cat related. Lynx, Vix and even Penny with her alternative Halloween skin with the cat ears have to be my favorites
  21. Shortie


    I tried out this game when it was first released and it really is like a version of Super Smash Bros. Being that I am a huge fan of Super Smash Bros I had a lot of fun playing this game, the controls take a little bit to get used to but once you have the hang of it, much like any game it soon becomes natural to you and you find it easier to play. I haven't been back on this game at all for a few months now mainly due to other games taking over but again, it's another free game that I can go back to at any time if I am looking for something different to play. If you enjoyed Super Smash Bros, then I would highly recommend trying this.
  22. I am often gutted that I can not always afford Amazon Prime as the deals they have not only for games but also for in game content as part of Twitch Prime is absolutely amazing and I often forget about them unless someone mentions it and I think to look. For the price you pay for Amazon Prime and they stuff you get through that it's well worth it just for that alone. I think one game I managed to snag once was YouTubers Life and that game was a ton of fun and I spent hours on it.
  23. I remember playing this game back on PS1 and I had an absolute blast playing it. I got the remastered version of the game a few years ago, Spyro Reignited and as much as I have started it, I haven't had the time to fully play through it so that is a game I do need to go back to. I have heard many people saying that it doesn't give the same vibe and excitement as the first game and that they still enjoyed the game, so I am curious to see how the game feels for me when I play it more compared to when I played it on the PS1.
  24. I absolutely love this game. It's like a cross-over of Halo and Portal and it's a ton of fun! I haven't played in such a long time with other games coming through and my time being spent on those, but Splitgate is a free game that I know is there and that I can always go back to. I love how it's very fast paced and how like Halo it feels as well. I often miss how Halo used to feel in the multiplayer and Splitgate brings that back which I love. I would highly recommend this game if you were a fan of Halo.
  25. I am exactly the same when it comes to Call of Duty, I like to rush and run and gun when playing so that can often result in my K/D taking a hit. I just can't seem to sit and camp in one area of the map for the whole game, I find it very boring I guess just sitting and waiting for a shot to take and would rather be running and gunning. I feel now if I went back I would be rusty BUT with some time I could be back to where I was. Not going to lie, kinda tempted to jump on and just see where I get with my K/D if I am honest.
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