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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2022 in all areas

  1. Shagger

    COD Mobile

    @kingpotato is right. That's the kind of post you make on a thread as your first reply. How could you possibly not know you had posted on this thread before? You have, in fact, replied to this thread on no less than 20 other occasions. Nobody who posts like they care would forget that. This is ridiculous, @Justin11. And don't reply to this or @kingpotato's post please, I think you've harvested quite enough posts out of this thread as it is.
    2 points
  2. I watched this one last year and I just can't stop laughing. So for context, Cartman took Kyle to court because he agreed to suck cartman's balls if he could prove Leprechauns were real which they did find one and the outcome was absolutely hilarious! and for the outcome:
    1 point
  3. Introducing the Polium. No information on price, release date, etc Yikes. Seems Cringeworthy. Discuss. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/the-first-nft-games-console-has-been-announced/
    1 point
  4. Nebulous

    Ask Nebulous

    Pulp fiction
    1 point
  5. I have to agree to some extent. I feel like the 80s were a big time for gaming, but also a bad time with the crash that happened. Thankfully they rebounded and gaming has been around for a long time since. But, I'd argue that there are still many taking chances these days. It's why the indie market is so popular. So many great hits coming out, with unique ideas. If anything that time, has inspired many people today to keep at it and make the games they truly want to see and play. But yeah, we get too many sequels these days it seems.
    1 point
  6. If this post was any less weirder I would have doubted if it was really @kingpotato who made this comment. Another funny but bizzare comments coming from you man.😅
    1 point
  7. -Ghosts -single socks without their matching pair -weird face shaped cracks on the wall or roof -water guns filled with holywater because of the ghosts. +10 accuracy and +15 holy damage.
    1 point
  8. I am also anticipating the release of starfield which was initially scheduled for November this year but moved till 2023 by Bethesda game studios.
    1 point
  9. I just ran the same math for myself. I joined 950 days ago (November 28, 2019) and this here will be my 2,612th post. So that's average of 2.75 posts a day. I have had a little time off from the forum here and there and my moderating duties and updating the Game Services Threads do rob me of quite a bit of time I could spend making posts, but even so that is pretty alarming. To do 30 posts a day, I would have to try to hit that number, and I mean really try. That's not my style. I post if and when I feel I have something worthwhile to say. Whether it be something informative, in debate, advisory, funny or whatever, I could easily read about 30+ posts from others and not make a single post myself, that's just how I enjoy spending my time here. I get a lot out of this place, possibly more than I give back, and cannot imagine feeling that way whilst making 30 posts a day. Everything I say would be drowned out and bleed together and probably even forget most of it. I just couldn't do that, at least not a smaller forum like this.
    1 point
  10. I have disabled posting from Dannyjax and Aniekwe. As a reminder, in June I disabled Jasmin, Boblee, and Heath-Hunter from posting. I am now deciding what to do with Justin11, Heatman, and Clasher.
    1 point
  11. It's probably none of my business but I just gotta quote this so you have been here for like roughly 10 months and made over 10 000 posts in that period. That's over 1000 posts a month!!! That is like what over 30 posts a day. Come one man isen't it time to start giving it some tought you may be over doing it a bit? But anyways glad to know i contributed roughly 500 posts to the 150 000 milestone.
    1 point
  12. Empire

    Email providers

    I use Hotmail, also known as the outlook for my personal email account. I also have many Gmails accounts and custom email addresses. For work to websites related to whatever I have to use them for. Even one for spam XD
    1 point
  13. Empire

    Dark Gaming Themes

    Not all gaming related sites are dark and black 😛 I been on many that are white as day. My website is both, it has a dark or white. can pick light or dark. As default it's dark. At times is easy on the eyes in the night, or in the day if you can't see it, light it is. ,
    1 point
  14. The video game's name is Black Myth: Wukong and the Chinese animation after the game is The Monkey King : Reborn. They are two different videos.
    1 point
  15. I read the article shared by @Reality vs Adventurein the beginning of the thread where there's a summit of 10 African countries that are looking at making this happen faster for African countries. I hope that holds and not be like some of their projects that fell off along the way because of their selfish reasons.
    1 point
  16. Don't know if i'm going to get it on launch or wait for a sale but at the end of the month after several delays a new digimon game comes out, i'm kinda looking forward to it as the digimon games i played in the past were always top notch games:
    1 point
  17. Being a minion in any Kirby game, imagine minding your own business and then a pink blob appears and eats your entire town along with your friends and yells chicken in spanish...oh the humanity
    1 point
  18. I made a joke... your neighbors are fucking disguisting dude...
    1 point
  19. No problem, I've agreed, but at least you've acknowledged the little similarities in them. I spotted the difference, but it isn't noticeable unless you go closer to the both controllers.
    1 point
  20. That's cool to hear from you about WRC 8, and your interest in WRC 9. I'll check them up via YouTube and see what their gameplay looks like. If it makes sense to me, already I'm a racing game addict, then I'll go for them.
    1 point
  21. Well , this documentary only highlighted a few parts of Africa and this doesn't justify anything as there are still places even in the United States that are considered as slums with people living on the streets and various other social amenities are lacking, though I know Africa as a continent isn't as developed as some other continents but if big industries and companies like AAA aren't coming to Africa how would this development spread. We have a lot of promising businesses, well known companies that are taking over the world which emanated from Africa. Things are bad here but don't only rely on what one YouTuber looking for views tells you.
    1 point
  22. I just had to quickly rewatch the launch trailer on Hades. It's one game that your dying is guaranteed because you can't escape it.
    1 point
  23. I'm very happy as well to hear that Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp is coming out on Switch. I can't wait for it to be released. I wouldn't be leaving it out.
    1 point
  24. For my hands I use liquid soap. But I wet my hands first, then apply soap. I get my loofah wet then squirt in my body wash. It's just water first for me.
    1 point
  25. While everyone else chooses more modern and recent years I'm gonna go with 1972, because it's really is when video games became mainstream enough to get seen as profitable. 1972 was when Pong released which really was the start of the video game market. Sure stuff like Table For Two was around but it didn't get all that popular. Pong is the first big hit in the gaming market, which helped establish a market that lead to all the other classics. Another big arcade cabinet game called Computer Space also released around that time. Also in 1972 was the Madavox Odduesy which was the first ever console to be released. It paved the way for Atari and Intelvision to enter the console market. Basically 1972 is when gaming became an actual market. Which is why I'd call it the greatest.
    1 point
  26. @Yaramaki I understand your suggestion. I am going to brainstorm a solution where users who have made X amount of MEANINGFUL posts and/or have been a member at VGR for X amount of time period have the ability to edit posts for more than 10 minutes. Basically this feature would only be available to those who are considered valued contributors of the forum (which I would categorize you in).
    1 point
  27. Would it be possible to extend the time you can edit your posts for a little longer, i think it's 15 minutes now if my memory doesen't fail me it's kind on the short side especially if you're post are on the longer side? I'm always too late whenever i feel like i should have added something in or i see a big grammer error, could have phrased something better.
    1 point
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